Painting Happens and it matters…
A little snapshot of my art desk in winter, 2024, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
I have started reading more books on the topic of art, instead of indulging in art videos online. It has been a wonderful way to relax before bed, and also turning away from the screen and getting new ideas for upcoming days. One of the art books at my bedside is titled “How Painting Happens” (and why it matters), by Martin Gayford. I paused at page 15 and appreciated this pharagraph … when we stand in front of a painting, we are standing in exactly the same spatial relationship to it that the painter did, hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Despite all the differences of culture and belief that separate us from cave artists, or indeed from Rembrandt, when we are in the presence of their pictures, in many ways we have the same experience as they did…”. I love how the book discusses visual art as a language and how creatives/artists can communicate so much without the spoken word. I have always found writing challenging (good luck to me as I start this blog- haha), and possibly that is why I crave painting as a form of expression and communication. Painting has become a way of life and how I stay present in the moment and find calm. It is also how I solidify memories into my brain in hopes of replaying them years down the road when I need a positive memory. I have found my own language in mark making and colours and how I express myself through composition and energy of mark making. Painting is my quiet place where I can turn off the day to day noise of our busy lives. I hope that others within the presence of my artwork, can find that same calm place and appreciate the moment they are in when they are looking or passing by the painting… I hope it sparks joy and hope and peace.
This morning on my cold walk with Oakley, I stopped to take a photo of a grate in the cement. Engaging in some form of creativity or art each day has made me see things I wouldn’t otherwise appreciate. I love the pattern in this grate and even thought of returning to this spot on a warmer day, with my son. Covering the pattern with a piece of paper and using a crayon to bring forth the pattern. I recall doing this as a kid and my son has also learned this technique in art class at school in grade 1.
Today, I opened a new art card deck with affirmations and the card read “I am reclaiming my childlike sense of wonder”. the card is in the second photo, second from left below. The deck is “The Little Frog’s Guide to Self-Care”, by Maybell Eequay. I also pulled a card from my Art Poetry for Insights and Inspiration art card deck, and it read “Remember Your Roots”…. Both very fitting today.
Bottom right photo shows me painting watercolour mountains, a work titled “Around the Peaks”. I was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta , Canada, and these mountain landscapes come to me quite intuitively. This is a large canvas print, and I am embellishing it with paint using a shell from my childhood, collected from Nova Scotia. I love the Canadian watercolour company, “Beam paints”, as they use non plastic packaging and sell watercolour in shells from Northern Ontario. Painting out of a shell is an incredible feeling and so much nicer than any other palette. Their watercolours are also non-toxic and it is an indigenous family run business on Manitoulin Island, Canada.
Hope I have inspired you in some way and I’d love any comments below. If you want to check out my youtube video from today , I will link it here: